Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Homes & Garden exhibition

Well its been over 2 weeks now since I did my first exhibition for Peppercorn House. I just seem to be so busy that there are not enough hours in the day to get everything done, and before I know it time has flown by.

But my first exhibition was a great success! Although I have to say the weather was horrible. I had a large plot outside in a beautiful walled garden in the grounds of Wynyard Hall. I bought a marquee/gazebo and hoped the weather would be wrong could I be.
My mum came to help out for the weekend and we spent the whole of Saturday holding onto a pole each to try and stop the marquee from taking off!!We had to roll up the sides of the marquee to let the wind blow through, and my lovely sign I had made only stayed up for a short while before I had to roll it back up into its case as the wind was just too strong.

Despite the wind, I had a fantastic day and the my display looked great. I tried to display as much as I could as not having a shop and only being web based its nice to make the most of it and let people see as much of my pieces as possible.
I tried to set it up as you would in your own home, so at one end I had a bedroom, in the middle I had a dining area and at the other end I had a lounge area.

The feedback I had from the public was amazing so I'm so happy. Everybody loved what I was doing!
I had to move inside come Sunday as the wind was even stronger and the rain started too. Not the best combination for a gazebo ouside..... My space was smaller inside but still looked lovely so it was all worth it.

I had so much of a good time that I have now booked to do 2 more exhibitions in November, ready for Christmas. This time these will be inside so the weather can do what it wants!!
I'm on a roll.....